Tips for Working Remotely: Accounting Processes & Documentation

So… you and your team are now working from home, but your filing cabinet is still at the office. That poses a challenge for sure. We can’t fix that, but we can make some practical go-forward suggestions about adapting your accounting system to the “new normal.”

Need help? Contact us at

For those who’d rather DIY, here’s how. 

Online Banking

If you haven’t yet set up online access to your bank account, don’t delay!

Through online access, depending on your bank and your authorization structure, you can view your account, initiate transactions (including online payments) and retrieve past statements. Bear in mind that appropriate authorization is still required. More on that in our tip sheet on adopting online payments.

Consider giving your bookkeeper online, view-only access so that you retain control of your banking activities, while your bookkeeper can manage your records efficiently. 

If you’re using cloud accounting, make sure you’ve got the bank feed set up. It downloads transactions directly to your cloud accounting app, expediting processing and reconciliation.

Online Accounts

The first one that springs to mind – we’re a bookkeeping firm, after all – is the Canada Revenue Agency. Now’s the time to set up My Account for your personal taxes, and My Business Account for your company (small business, nonprofit or charity).

Consider asking your bookkeeper to set up Represent A Client with CRA so that they can check your account balances, file HST and T3010s, respond to notices and receive statements.

CRA gives you handy access to all of your tax-related documentation, going back years.

Utilities, credit cards, major retailers, associations and other suppliers with whom you have an ongoing relationship may offer online access to your account, allowing you to make online payments  (being mindful of authorizations) and to retrieve invoice and statement copies.


Now’s the time to sign up for emailed invoices and statements from your bank, your credit card company, “big box” suppliers (major retailers, utilities, etc.). Many of these organizations are actively encouraging customers to move to digital, and you’ll find a sign-up on their website.

Even smaller suppliers have gone digital – or are scrambling to make that happen now. 

What about you? Are you invoicing your customers, members, sponsors, registrants online?

They are having the same challenges you are, dealing with snail mail. Now’s the time to get your paperwork right to their desktop.

Any reasonably current accounting software has an email button close to the print button. Clicking it will open a dialog box that lets you send invoices and statements directly. Most apps retain email addresses, and allow you to memorize standard messages.

Snail Mail and Digitization

As of this writing, Canada Post deliveries are uninterrupted, so you will have to consider how to deal with hard-copy items that arrive at your workplace.

Now’s the time to close the filing cabinet forever, convert those hard copies to digital images, and store them online. It’s the way of the future; you won’t regret it.

No kidding: in the Young Associates office, and our tech-savvy clients’ offices, snail mail goes straight from the scanner to the shredder. 

Make sure your system is backed up! Indeed, redundant backups are essential to secure management of your documents.


Make sure you’ve got the right tools for the job. Now’s the time to acquire an affordable scanner, or a printer with built-in scanning.

In a networked environment, you should be able to make the printer send the scanned image to the folder you identify – so you can set up your digital filing cabinet starting now.

Cloud-based Transaction Capture and Documentation

The next wave of accounting document management is AI-powered apps that read a scanned image, extract accounting details (supplier name, date, amount, HST, etc.) and seamlessly integrate to your accounting software. This doesn’t eliminate the human element: your bookkeeper still needs to review the coding before pushing the entry into your accounting software. 

Besides improving bookkeeping efficiency, these apps can act as your digital filing cabinet, sorting invoices by supplier and date, and pushing invoice images into your accounting software, so that documentation is attached to each entry.

To take advantage of these apps, you need cloud-based accounting software. Document capture front-runners include (logos are linked to company sites):

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How Young Associates can assist

A consultation with us may make all the difference to your comfort level and confidence that your accounting system is up to the challenge of the pandemic. 

We can help you set up online banking and other accounts, advise on process and best practices, and advise on cloud computing and related apps.

We’d also be happy to give you a quote for full-service bookkeeping

We work on the basis of fixed price agreements, so you’ll know upfront how much our work will cost – and we always offer a money-back guarantee: if you’re not completely delighted with our service, we will, at your option, either refund the price, or accept a portion of said price that reflects your level of satisfaction. 

Contact us: 

This tip sheet was created by Heather Young CPB and the Young Associates team based on the best information available to us as of the date of posting.

Although every effort has been made to provide complete and accurate information, Young Associates makes no warranties, express or implied, or representations as to the accuracy of content in this tip sheet. Young Associates assumes no liability or responsibility for any error or omissions in the information contained in the tip sheet. 

Founded in 1993, Young Associates provides bookkeeping and financial management services in the charitable sector, with a focus on arts and culture. Young Associates also provides consulting services in the areas of data management, business planning and strategic planning. Heather Young published Finance for the Arts in Canada (2005, 2020), a textbook and self-study guide on accounting and financial management for not-for-profit arts organizations.

Tips for Working Remotely: Increase Efficiency, Adopt Digital Payments

When you and your staff and board members should be staying safe at home, the last thing you want is to be dodging germs on the streets to get cheques signed. That goes for your courier company’s staff too!

It’s time to move your payments to the cloud.

Need help? Contact us at

For those who’d rather DIY, here’s how. 

Authorization, control

Working remotely does not mean compromising proper accounting controls.

For small businesses, the owner may be the sole authority. Larger commercial concerns and nonprofit organizations typically require multiple authorizations on payments to control spending and ensure adherence to budgets.

You may find great comfort in those two signature lines on a cheque, and the in-person requirement for getting someone’s signature. But, that’s far from the only way to do it.

Banks and other third-party payment processors have designed protocols to support remote authorization by multiple parties, where each signer approves independently of the others. 

Organizations can implement their own internal protocols to ensure that the designated staff or board members approve payments. For instance, an invoice can be scanned and circulated by email, with the bookkeeper instructed to pay only after the appropriate people have given their okay. 

Alternately, you can investigate options for gathering digital signatures.

Getting started right away

Using options like Interac, credit card payment and supplier payment portals, you can immediately convert some of your payables stream to online payment. The table below provides some options.

Dealing with your cheques

Make sure your cheques are safe. Cheque fraud is on the rise. Blank cheques should always be kept out of sight, in a locked place. 

Do not ask signers to pre-sign cheques. This negates the value of the authorization process! If you’ve already disobeyed this important rule, you must be doubly sure that your blank cheques are secure.

Service providers

How to choose the right avenue(s) for you? This list will get you started. You may find it useful to canvass your bookkeeper, CPA, and tech-savvy colleagues to learn what they use. You may use multiple service providers, depending on your needs.

This list is not intended to be exhaustive. There are other options for you. Any of the providers below will work for small businesses, nonprofits and charities.

This is a quick overview only. All of these options offer more features than indicated in this summary. Review websites carefully for additional detail.



Accounting Integrations

Commitment / Getting Started


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Monthly fee includes transaction package; per item fee thereafter

Plugs into Quickbooks and Xero accounting software so you can transmit your payables directly to the app for payment.

You can subscribe month by month. Signing officers must complete authorization procedures.

Young Associates’ choice. Canadian owned. Sleek, intuitive user interface with online chat support. Offers authorization tiers (e.g. up to $500 1 signer only). No need to collect banking info if vendor is set up with Plooto, or vendor can accept email. Pays CRA. Does not pay many “big box” vendors (yet). International payments. Also receives payments.

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Monthly fee plus per item fee

Plugs into Adagio, Connected, Quickbooks, Sage and other accounting apps so you can transmit your payables directly to the app for payment.

Apply for a TelPay ID on their website. Signing officers must complete authorization procedures.

Canadian owned. Founded in 1985; a pioneer in payment processing. Canada’s largest biller list. For other vendors, no need to collect banking info; vendor can be notified by email. Besides supplier payments, it provides payroll direct deposit, government remittances, international payments, transfers funds. Receives payments too. 

Monthly fee for “Pro” package. 2.9% of amounts received. Per item fee.

No integration. Payments via PayPal need to be keyed into your accounting app.

Monthly commitment for “Pro” package.

PayPal’s promotion is geared mostly to receiving payments. Your vendors may already accept payment this way. You will need a method of payment (credit, debit, from your bank account, or using your PayPal balance). You may find PayPal useful for paying international artists: they can send you a PayPal invoice. Note that the recipient pays a % of the transaction.

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Per item fee

No integration. Payments via Interac need to be keyed into your accounting app.

Anyone with a Canadian bank account and an email address can send Interac e-transfers.

Interac is a Canadian interbank network. Your institution probably belongs, and right now you can probably send one-off payments to suppliers able to receive e-transfers. 

Bank and credit union platforms

See your bank for details

Banks are typically cautious about linking to third party apps. Check your bank for details. Payment entries may need to be re-keyed into your accounting app.

You need to have an account. See your bank for further details on how to get started. 

Features vary by institution

Credit cards

Fees vary by card. Some cards offer benefits such as travel points or cashback.

For initiating payments, no integration to your accounting software. (You may be able to set up a feed to bookkeep completed transactions.)

You need to apply for a card. The company will determine how much credit to extend.

Having a credit card expands your resources – but at a cost. Interest on unpaid balances may be high. Nonprofits and charities may find it difficult to secure a company card.

Supplier online payment portals

Most suppliers are happy to receive your payment at no charge to you.

No integration. Online payments need to be keyed into your accounting app.

Many suppliers are encouraging customers to pay online

You will need a method of payment such as a credit card, debit card, Interac or PayPal. 

Supplier pre-authorized payments

Most suppliers are happy to receive your payment at no charge to you.

No integration. Payments need to be keyed into your accounting app.

You authorize the supplier to withdraw directly from your bank account. You can withdraw authorization at your discretion.

You may already be using this method. Landlords, utilities, credit card companies and other monthly billers actively seek pre-authorized payment.


How Young Associates can assist

A consultation with us may make all the difference to your comfort level and confidence that your accounting system is up to the challenge of the pandemic. 

We can respond to your concerns around security, authorization, risk management, privacy and accounting process, and help identify the best online payment options for you.

We’d also be happy to give you a quote for full-service bookkeeping

We work on the basis of fixed price agreements, so you’ll know upfront how much our work will cost – and we always offer a money-back guarantee: if you’re not completely delighted with our service, we will, at your option, either refund the price, or accept a portion of said price that reflects your level of satisfaction. 

Contact us:

This tip sheet was created by Heather Young CPB and the Young Associates team based on the best information available to us as of the date of posting.

Although every effort has been made to provide complete and accurate information, Young Associates makes no warranties, express or implied, or representations as to the accuracy of content in this tip sheet. Young Associates assumes no liability or responsibility for any error or omissions in the information contained in the tip sheet. 

Founded in 1993, Young Associates provides bookkeeping and financial management services in the charitable sector, with a focus on arts and culture. Young Associates also provides consulting services in the areas of data management, business planning and strategic planning. Heather Young published Finance for the Arts in Canada (2005, 2020), a textbook and self-study guide on accounting and financial management for not-for-profit arts organizations.

Evaluating COVID-19 Impact: Approaches to Quantification

The ability to measure the impact of COVID-19 will be essential to managers in the nonprofit sector. In order to make the case for government funding, donor support and member retention – and as the basis for crisis management and recovery planning – managers need insight into the financial consequence of the pandemic. This tip sheet offers ideas, grounded in accounting principle, for developing financial measurements of COVID-19’s impact appropriate to your circumstances.

Need help? Contact us at

For those who’d rather DIY, here’s how. 


Well-managed budget-to-actuals reporting should cover you. 

We hope the additional detail and supporting arguments will be helpful for internal discussion.

What did happen, what might have happened

You will be able to report certain items with clarity because they will be recorded in your books. Your accounting records capture what happened: what dollars were received and what amounts were paid out. It’s important to ensure your books will yield helpful reports; see our companion tip sheet on Effective Bookkeeping Practices

For many organizations – notably arts and culture, where programming was effectively shut down in the second week of March – the critical impact is around what might have been. Management needs to take a fair and reasonable approach to estimating impacts that cannot be measured objectively.

“Fair” and “Reasonable”

These terms have a specific meaning in accounting. Understanding them can guide your approach to measuring the impact of COVID-19.

Your audit report probably states that the appended statements “present fairly, in all material respects…” If statements are presented fairly, they faithfully represent the organization’s financial position, are supported by sufficient evidence, and are free of bias.

An item is “reasonable” if a knowledgeable and independent observer would agree that it is rational and appropriate within the circumstances. Accountants perform “reasonability tests” where they evaluate the relationship between financial statement elements. For instance, your auditor tests the reasonability of your GST/HST returns by comparing the taxes you reported to your taxable revenues and expenses.

A funder might evaluate the reasonableness of your COVID-19 impact report by looking at your organization’s capacity. If you cancelled 10 performances in a 1200 seat venue and your average ticket price is $75, the box office impact cannot reasonably exceed $900,000.

Documenting impact

Keep your paperwork and make good notes! Confirm verbal discussions with an email, to create a written record of process and decisions. Take detailed minutes of board and committee deliberations.

Documents such as contracts, correspondence about cancellations, correspondence instructing staff to cancel spending plans, ticketing reports showing refunds, emails with sponsors and donors will help to substantiate the consequences of COVID-19. 

Documentation can demonstrate that you were following the plan for the year, and it can capture the actions you took in response to the pandemic.

Revenues and expenses arising from the pandemic

You may incur COVID-related costs (e.g. setting up staff home offices, extra travel or IT expense) and perhaps COVID-related revenues (e.g. federal wage subsidy, special donations). Code them to an account or class that will be part of your COVID impact report. (See our companion tip sheet on Effective Bookkeeping Practices.)

Budget to actuals variance

Your annual operating budget amounts to a policy document for your organization: management and board agree to execute the planned activities; to spend no more than the budgeted amount; and to target the agreed revenues. The budget can be seen as a pro forma income statement: it is your forecast of the company’s operating results at year-end.

As such, the board-approved budget may provide a reasonable yardstick for evaluating impact. 

To quantify impact, management would:

  • Update the budget for any confirmed changes that were in place before COVID-19 struck (so that you are measuring impact on the most up to date plan)

    • Your original budget may or may not be affected by COVID-19, but it may have been affected by other, unrelated planning changes.

  • Eliminate the effects of items arising specifically because of the pandemic (e.g. federal wage subsidy, special fundraising appeals, infrastructure costs for remote work, cancellation penalties). 

With these items considered, the difference between budget and actuals could serve as a reasonable measurement of impact.

Year over year variance

The going concern concept states that unless there is strong evidence to the contrary, or unless the organization itself has decided to fold, a company will continue to operate for the foreseeable future. Mandate-driven organizations tend to follow much the same pattern year over year in terms of program and service delivery, scale of organization and financial capacity.

As such, the difference between past financial results under normal circumstances and the results you achieve during the pandemic may offer a fair and reasonable perspective on COVID-19’s impact.

Direct and indirect revenues and expenses

This will be critical for project reporting, but has some bearing as well on the understanding of your overall operations.

A revenue or expense item is “direct” when it arises from a project, program, event, or activity. Other revenues and expenses may be impacted by that project, program, event or activity, but in a tangential or indirect way. 

For instance, a museum incurs costs directly related to new exhibits (e.g. exhibit design and installation, artifact loans, marketing). It may also receive direct revenues (e.g. sponsorship, ticketed admissions). But every exhibit depends on the museum’s general infrastructure. Indirect costs of exhibitions might include cleaning and maintenance, the security system, and the ticketing system. Indirect revenues might include operating grants and memberships.

The museum must consider the overall impact of being shut down because of COVID-19. But, if management also cancelled a new exhibition, and needs to communicate the impact to project funders, it would be reasonable to consider reporting collateral impact of the cancellation on, say, membership sales and individual donations.

The true impact of cancelled activities is the sum of the direct items and the reasonable share of indirect items.

Core and project

Classically, arts organizations are project-driven. It is often the case that the core infrastructure is lean, and the bulk of staffing and other resources are directly attached to artistic projects. The following analysis may work for other types of organizations with similar characteristics.

A useful measure of financial stress is to separate revenues and expenses directly associated with your organization’s core (overhead / administration) from those directly associated with its projects. There are three possibilities:

  • Core revenues cover core expenses, and project revenues cover project expenses

  • Project revenues are insufficient to cover project expenses, and the organization must generate sufficient core revenues to cover both the core and a portion of the projects.

  • Core revenues are insufficient to cover core expenses, and the organization relies on projects to cover a portion of the core

For organizations reliant on project revenues to secure core operations, project cancellations could be devastating to the organization’s ability to cope with the pandemic. 

Evaluating where your organization falls may help you understand the impact of COVID-19. Successful strategizing depends on a clear articulation of the challenge to be addressed.

How Young Associates can assist

A consultation with us may make all the difference to your comfort level and confidence that your accounting system is up to the challenge of the pandemic. 

We can help you develop processes to calculate the impact of COVID-19 on your operations, and support a thorough and effective analysis of your financial situation.

We’d also be happy to give you a quote for full-service bookkeeping

We work on the basis of fixed price agreements, so you’ll know going in how much our work will cost — and we always offer a money-back guarantee: if you’re not completely delighted with our service, we will, at your option, either refund the price, or accept a portion of said price that reflects your level of satisfaction. 

Contact us:

This tip sheet was created by Heather Young CPB and the Young Associates team based on the best information available as of the date of posting.

The contents of this tip sheet comprise Young Associates’ views. They do not constitute legal or other professional advice. You should consult your professional advisor for advice relevant to your situation.

Founded in 1993, Young Associates provides bookkeeping and financial management services in the charitable sector, with a focus on arts and culture. Young Associates also provides consulting services in the areas of data management, business planning and strategic planning. Heather Young published Finance for the Arts in Canada (2005, 2020), a textbook and self-study guide on accounting and financial management for not-for-profit arts organizations.

Evaluating COVID-19 Impact: Effective Bookkeeping Practices

Your accounting system is your primary tool for capturing and reporting the financial dimension of everything that happens within your organization. This tip sheet will help you consider changes to the structure of your books to enable clear and accurate reporting on the impact of COVID-19. Our view, grounded in accounting principle, is that the permanent account categories should be minimally altered, and that you can achieve your temporary reporting needs through alternatives like “classes” (explained below).

Note that we use QuickBooks as the basis for illustrations; that’s where the term “class” comes from. We endeavour to explain in a way that will work for other accounting apps too.

Need help? Contact us at

For those who’d rather DIY, here’s how. 

The audiences for your accounting reports

It’s useful to think of writing for an audience – or, more commonly, multiple audiences. The readers of your financial statements (staff, board, third parties) make decisions: developing internal strategy, passing a budget revision, awarding a grant, renewing a membership, etc. What information might each stakeholder require, and at what level of detail?

Review the existing account categories in your books. Are they sufficient for the array of COVID-19 related reporting you anticipate? 

It is likely you will need some additional categorization. The following tips will help you achieve your COVID-19 reporting needs efficiently.

Our recommendations

Minimize changes to your chart of accounts.

Utilize reporting by class and other bookkeeping subdivisions to produce COVID-19 impact reports.

Good housekeeping

Skilled bookkeepers think about short- and long-term reporting requirements, bearing in mind the importance of year over year comparability. They have an eye to the relevance of accounting information, and its usefulness in providing feedback (e.g. on the impact of change) and in supporting forecasts of future activity.

We know that COVID-19 reporting will be required in the short-term. No one knows yet what the long-term ramifications may be. We favour a conservative approach to adding account categories.

A good rule of thumb is to add categories that will contain at least 0.5% of your expenses. Thus, for a company with a budget of $1,000,000, the smallest expense lines would contain at least $5,000. Same applies to revenues.

Account categories and financial statements

The account is the basic unit of categorization in your books. When your bookkeeper produces a balance sheet and operating statement (also known as income statement or P&L) from your books, you’re seeing the account categories. One account = one line on the financial statements.

Suggestions for new COVID-19 related accounts

Revenues: The federal wage subsidy may merit its own account, as a unique revenue source, or you might bookkeep it to an existing “Federal – Other” account. Consider any new sources of revenue that might arise from your pandemic response.

Expenses: Same concept. A new category of spending may merit its own account.

Contra accounts:  A contra account has the opposite balance to the normal account. For instance, an organization issuing COVID-related refunds might add a contra-revenue account to capture the refunds. That way, the statements would show 100% of the initial revenue and 100% of the refund, thereby clearly demonstrating the impact of COVID-19.

Balance sheet accounts: New cash accounts, lines of credit and other loans require separate accounts. If you are creating a new fund related to COVID-19 (e.g. a relief fund) you may need a separate net assets account to segregate it properly.

Accounting by nature & by function

Accounting recognizes two broad approaches to revenue and expense information: by nature (what it is; also known as natural category) and by function (what it’s used for; for instance, events, projects, activities, programs, shows, etc.). 

Well-structured books maintain clarity on this point. Make sure that your COVID-19 additions are consistent with your organization’s established practice.

By nature – A gallery might have accounts for Artist Fees, Installation and Marketing

By function – Alternatively, the gallery might create a new expense account for each exhibition. The account would be named for the exhibition, and would capture all associated costs (artist fees, installation, marketing, etc.) in a blended account. We would never advocate for this! (Although we’ve seen it...) We would always recommend using classes - read on!

Additional categorization within accounting software

Accounting apps offer additional ways of aggregating financial detail which may track impact more effectively than new accounts.

Each software package has its own proprietary features – but conceptually many of these features are alike.  We’ll use QuickBooks as an example. 

Classes – Allow you to subdivide accounts by activity, program, event or show. A theatre company might have accounts for Actors, Sets, Advertising and Theatre Rent. These accounts would capture the total spent on each category, but wouldn’t help anyone understand what was spent on each show. By creating a class for each show, and then tagging each entry with a class, the bookkeeper can run a P&L by Class report to produce a statement for each show.

Projects (QuickBooks Online) or Jobs (QuickBooks Desktop) – Allow you to track items by funder. A project (or job) has only one revenue source. In the business world this would be a customer – and in the nonprofit world, a funder. By tagging each entry with a project, the bookkeeper can run a P&L by Customer report to produce a statement for each project.

Departments – Allow you to subdivide accounts by department. Everyone in (say) Marketing, Fundraising, Production and Admin needs office supplies, and each department incurs meeting, travel and other common expenses. By tagging each entry with a department, the bookkeeper can run a P&L by Department report so management can evaluate activity by department.

Locations – Allow you to subdivide accounts for different physical locations. An organization with two offices might run the same programs and have the same departments in both offices. By tagging each entry with a location, the bookkeeper can run a P&L by Location report to produce a statement for each location.

Before you jump in to change the structure of your books, pause for a moment and consider how these options might help you generate the COVID-19 impact reports you will need for your funders, members, donors and other parties – as well as for your own management decision-making.

Suggestions for new COVID-19 related classes

A general COVID-19 related class: Tag all pandemic-related revenues and expenses to this class. 

Sub-classes for projects: You might have a class called “New Play #1” which already contains development and pre-production costs. If New Play #1 has been cancelled, you might create a class called “COVID – New Play #1” to capture costs associated with the cancellation. QuickBooks can roll up the sub-class into the class report to give you a grand total for New Play #1.

Sub-classes for COVID: Alternately, you might attach sub-classes to your general COVID-19 class. Any impacts related to overhead would be booked to the general COVID-19 class. You would create sub-classes for each project, event or activity. QuickBooks can roll up the sub-classes into the class report to give you a grand total for COVID-19 impact.

Naming: Start each new class title with “COVID” to make it easy to identify and roll up class reports.

How Young Associates can assist

A consultation with us may make all the difference to your comfort level and confidence that your accounting system is up to the challenge of the pandemic. 

We can help you identify the stakeholders who will need reporting; prepare to meet their reporting needs; and advise on practical and appropriate changes to the structure of your books.

We’d also be happy to give you a quote for full-service bookkeeping

We work on the basis of fixed price agreements, so you’ll know upfront how much our work will cost – and we always offer a money-back guarantee: if you’re not completely delighted with our service, we will, at your option, either refund the price, or accept a portion of said price that reflects your level of satisfaction. 

Contact us: 

This tip sheet was created by Heather Young CPB and the Young Associates team based on the best information available as of the date of posting.

The contents of this tip sheet comprise Young Associates’ views. They do not constitute legal or other professional advice. You should consult your professional advisor for advice relevant to your situation.

Founded in 1993, Young Associates provides bookkeeping and financial management services in the charitable sector, with a focus on arts and culture. Young Associates also provides consulting services in the areas of data management, business planning and strategic planning. Heather Young published Finance for the Arts in Canada (2005, 2020), a textbook and self-study guide on accounting and financial management for not-for-profit arts organizations.

Tips for Completing Record of Employment Forms with Respect to COVID-19

The Record of Employment Form (ROE) is the tool employers use to communicate with Employment & Social Development Canada regarding employees’ eligibility for employment insurance benefits when they leave the organization.

One of the key elements of the ROE – and the one that is relevant to COVID-19 – is Block 16, Reason for Issuing this ROE. 

The government has assigned codes to the most common reasons for issuing an ROE. Here is the link to the guide, How to Complete the Record of Employment (ROE) Form, which contains an explanation of each code.

What NOT to do with respect to COVID-19 ROE filings

Code K – Other is to be used only in exceptional circumstances, and you must provide a comment.

This might seem like the obvious code for COVID-19 related issues. But, if you use Code K and provide a comment, the ROE must be reviewed by a Service Canada employee.

To be clear: ROEs with comments are pulled out of the processing stream and may cause significant delay, awaiting an individual review while the government deals with unprecedented volume.

Therefore, DO NOT USE Code K if at all possible.

What to DO with respect to COVID-19 ROE filings

To streamline a high volume of processing, Service Canada has asked employers to use existing codes as follows:



COVID-19 Use


Shortage of work

Temporary layoff due to lack of work or funds to pay employees, office closure or event cancellations


Illness or injury

Anyone confirmed to have COVID-19, under quarantine being tested for COVID-19 or under quarantine due to returning from international travel


Leave of absence

Used for anyone that is in self-isolation under an abundance of caution (including refusal to work), is off caring for children, or is taking care of a loved one confirmed to have COVID-19.

Amending a COVID-19 related ROE for new information

Please note: if someone is in self-isolation or is off on a leave for any reason and they later test positive for COVID-19 then the ROE should be amended to code D.

This tip sheet was created by Heather Young CPB and Alicia McGuire PCP of Young Associates based on the best information available to us as of the date of posting.

Although every effort has been made to provide complete and accurate information, Young Associates makes no warranties, express or implied, or representations as to the accuracy of content in this tip sheet. Young Associates assumes no liability or responsibility for any error or omissions in the information contained in the tip sheet. 

Founded in 1993, Young Associates provides bookkeeping and financial management services in the charitable sector, with a focus on arts and culture. Young Associates also provides consulting services in the areas of data management, business planning and strategic planning. Heather Young published Finance for the Arts in Canada (2005, 2020), a textbook and self-study guide on accounting and financial management for not-for-profit arts organizations.

UPDATED: How Bill 148 affects your organization

There have been a number of changes to employment standards in Ontario since the passing of Bill 148, the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017. As there are more changes becoming effective as of next month, it is a good time for organizations to review what’s already changed and what changes are still to come. We have highlighted some significant changes as of November 2017, December 2017, January 2018, April 2018, and upcoming in 2019.

November 2017

As of November 27, 2017, your organization should have already reviewed its classification of employee vs. contractor. We have noticed an uptick in the number of payroll audits among nonprofits. With stricter enforcement around classifications of who is an employee vs. who is an independent contractor (aka freelancer) now in effect with Bill 148, it is important that organizations thoughtfully review their decision-making process around defining an individual as an employee or as a contractor. Organizations should be prepared to  implement necessary changes. 

Factors to consider include:

  • Control. An employee is directed by an employer; a contractor has a measure of control over what and how work is done (although they don’t have to exercise that control).
  • Tools & Equipment. Employees who use tools and equipment do not own those items. Their employer should provide, maintain, and insure most of those tools. Employers can also reimburse employees for tools and equipment they have acquired for the job. 
  • Subcontracting / hiring assistants. An employee cannot subcontract tasks or hire an assistant to do their work. A contractor can subcontract or hire help without approval of the payer.
  • Financial risk. An employee’s expenses are reimbursed and generally has no financial risk. A contractor is self-employed and takes on financial risk with each engagement, should the contract go incomplete/unpaid.
  • Responsibility for investment and management. An employee does not have a capital investment in the employer’s business. A self employed person generally has an established business, or a capital investment in the payor's business. 
  • Opportunity for profit. An employee doesn’t gain profit or incur loss while doing their work, whereas self-employed individuals can take a loss or a profit in the course of a contract. 

Also as of November 2017, your organization should have updated its crime-related child death or disappearance leave. A child is defined as under 18 and can be a step-child or foster child. Employees qualify for this leave after 6 months of employment. It is an unpaid but protected leave of up to 104 weeks.

Employers should note that as of November 2017 the EI waiting period has been reduced from 2 weeks to 1 week, for those who have a reduced EI rate due to an STD (short-term disability) program. The government has provided employers 4 years from January 1, 2017 to have plans to accommodate the reduced wait period or the organization will risk losing the reduced EI rate. 

December 2017

As of December 3, 2017 employers need to have begun preparing to accommodate the following family-related job leaves: employees can now opt to take an extended parental leave (increased by an additional 26 weeks (61 weeks total). This could prove to be a popular option for parents in Ontario, where childcare availability and affordability are a huge challenge, especially for children under 18 months of age. It is important to note that once an employee chooses the parental benefit path (extended or non-extended) they cannot change paths at a later date. Also note that the EI coverage for parental leave is for the same amount, no matter the path chosen. In other words, the recipient will receive the same overall dollar amount whether the leave is 35 weeks or 61 weeks, but their biweekly payments will be more or less respectively. 

Also as of December 1, 2017, women can now take maternity leave up to 12 weeks prior to the birth of a child, and employees who are family caregivers are now able to take up to 15 weeks of unpaid, job protected leave.

January 2018

As of January 1, 2018, several changes related to wages and paid time off have come into effect, as well overtime, job leaves, and holiday pay, and record-keeping obligations. 

Your organization should now be accomodating the following changes related to wages and PTO:

  • Minimum wage. Employees have a minimum wage of $14/hour. Student employees have a minimum wage of $13.15 (but if school is in session, they must work less than 28 hours / week to be eligible for this wage). So, if a student is working full time hours while school is in session, they are considered an employee, not a student employee, and are entitled to the full $14/hour minimum wage. The 28 hour per week limit does not apply on school holidays or during summer break.
  • Vacation pay. New legislation means that every employee in Ontario is now entitled to 3 weeks (6%) vacation after 5 years of consecutive employment with a single employer.
  • Overtime. Overtime pay must be paid out at the rate at which an employee was being paid at the time the overtime occurred. For employers, this means that overtime can no longer be calculated at a blended pay rate, and overtime pay cannot be paid out at, for example, the lower of an employee’s two pay rates. 
  • Public holiday pay calculation. To determine the amount of stat holiday pay to pay out to an employee, an employer should now use the single pay period directly prior to the stat holiday to calculate the average daily wage (total gross earnings/number of days worked in that period). Some scenarios require employers to consider some additional factors:
    • For new hires, employers should use the current period to to determine the average daily wage, and pay that. UPDATE: The Ministry of Labour has announced that effective July 1, 2018, the ESA will be reverting back to the former statutory holiday calculation of 1/20 of the prior 4 weeks earnings as an interim measure while the public holiday changes to the ESA continue to be reviewed. This change is due to concerns arising from the Changing Workplaces Review, which found that "public holiday rules were the source of the most complaints under the ESA and needed to be simplified."  More info.
    • For anyone on approved leave in the pay period  prior to the stat, employers should use the pay period in which the individual last worked to determine the average daily wage.
    • When determining average daily wage use the gross earnings before statutory deductions. Do not include overtime pay, termination pay, severance and premium pay, vacation pay, personal emergency leave pay, domestic or sexual violence leave pay or pay for other public holidays.
    • The Statutory Holiday Calculator can be found here.

Employers also, as of January 2018, need to be prepared to provide to eligible employees 10 days of Personal Emergency Leave, the first two of which are paid. Employees are eligible after 1 week of consecutive employment. Employers are no longer allowed to to ask the employee for a physician’s note to validate the leave.

As well, employers should be prepared to accommodate Domestic and Sexual Violence leave to eligible employees. Employees are eligible after 13 weeks of employment. This is a job protected leave of up to 10 individual days, the first 5 of which are paid, and up to 15 weeks per calendar year for employees, or children of employees, who have experienced or been threatened with domestic or sexual violence.

As of January 2017, all organizations are now obliged to follow several new employee-related record-keeping measures. They should record:

  • Dates and times employees are scheduled to work and changes to on call schedules
  • Dates and times employees worked
  • If an employee has two or more pay rates for worked performed in a pay week
  • Any cancellations of scheduled days or work or on call periods and dates and times of those cancellations
  • Vacation records for 5 years (instead of 3 years)

April 1, 2018

Upcoming as of April 1, 2018, organizations need to be prepared to issue equal pay for equal work. Part-time, casual, temporary, and seasonal employees must be paid the same as full-time permanent employees if they are doing essentially the same job. All organizations, including nonprofits, often with stretched budgets, will need to think carefully about how they rely on these types of workers and what they budget to pay them. A permanent, full-time employee cannot be paid more for the same task or set of tasks. Exceptions exist jobs paying by quantity or quality of work, or for merit or seniority systems, but these systems must be applied consistently. 

Possible changes coming in 2019

Although not yet confirmed by the government, organizations in Ontario should be prepared for the following in 2019:

WSIB review, which is proposed to 

  • Update the 34 industry classifications
  • Establish premium rates based on the collective experience of employers in the industry classification
  • Set an employer’s actual premium based on individual employer experience based on individual company level of risk 

CPP Enhancements

  • Starting in 2019 CPP contribution rate will increase each year until 2023 when it reaches 5.95%
  • There will also be an additional enhanced earnings percentage of 4% for earnings between the yearly maximum and the new upper earnings beginning in 2024

Scheduling requirements

  • Employees can request a location or schedule change after three months of employment, without penalization
  • Employees can refuse shifts that an employer requests they take with less than 96 hours notice, without fear of retaliation
    • exceptions are made for dealing with an emergency, remedy, or reducing a threat to public safety, or continued delivery of an essential public service
  • Employers must pay 3 hours wages to anyone who
    • regularly works more than 3 hours but has their shift is cut short
    • whose shift is cancelled without 48 hours notice from scheduled start time
    • is scheduled on call and is available to work but does not work at least 3 hours

An exception will be made when any of these situations arises from an event that is out of the employer’s control (eg. power failure, fire,) or if the employee works in a weather-related industry (eg. snow removal).

This tip sheet was created by Alicia McGuire of Young Associates. Founded in 1993, Young Associates delivers technical expertise and advisory services to support operational effectiveness of nonprofit and creative organizations. We invest in transformative technology and expert human capital to provide our customers progressive solutions in financial, data and information management, human resources, and strategic planning.
