March 2021 CERS & CEWS Update

As we approach a full year of the pandemic, there has been some uncertainty about the continuing government subsidy programs that so many of our clients rely on. Today, our questions were answered! See below for an explanation of yesterday’s press release regarding CEWS and CERS. 

Federal Minister Chrystia Freeland announced the eligibility guidelines for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) and the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) for March 14 to June 5, 2021. Previously, details had only been released up to CEWS Period 13 and CERS Period 6, which end March 13. 

Please note that this is proposed legislation, so there is potential for changes to be made in the coming weeks. 

According to the press release, the current rate structures for the CEWS and the CERS will be maintained through to June 5:

  • The maximum base CEWS rate for active employees will remain at 40%, and the maximum top-up rate will remain at 35%. 

  • The maximum CERS rate would remain at 65%, and the maximum Lockdown Support component of CERS will remain at 25%

To ensure that the general approach continues to compare a pre-pandemic month to a current month, the months of the calendar year 2019 will continue to be used as reference for revenue drop calculations. 

The proposed reference months for CEWS Periods 14-16 and CERS Periods 7-9 are as follows:



General Method

Alternative Method

CEWS Period 14

CERS Period 7

March 14 – April 10

Mar 2021 over Mar 2019 or
Feb 2021 over Feb 2020

Mar 2021 or Feb 2021 over average of Jan and Feb 2020

CEWS Period 15

CERS Period 8

April 11 – May 8

Apr 2021 over Apr 2019 or
Mar 2021 over Mar 2019

Apr 2021 or Mar 2021 over average of Jan and Feb 2020

CEWS Period 16

CERS Period 9

May 9 – June 5

May 2021 over May 2019 or
Apr 2021 over Apr 2019

May 2021 or Apr 2021 over average of Jan and Feb 2020

You can find the press release here. A full backgrounder with additional details for the release can be found here

Charities Working with Intermediaries

Registered charities are held to high standards of behaviour. Through the T3010 and its compliance program (read: audits) the CRA’s Charities Directorate monitors how charities receive and spend money. As a charity manager, you need to be careful about how you work with non-charities. Of course charities work with nonprofits and other organizations all the time! It is your responsibility to ensure that your working arrangements are compliant.

The CRA recently issued a new guidance document concerning charities working with non-charities in Canada, and we wanted to draw your attention to this new version of the plain-language guide to help you clarify your internal policies. Specifically, the issue is charities accepting money for the purpose of passing it on to another organization. In these cases, charities are accepting money on behalf of non-charities — often in situations where the non-charity solicits the funds — and are transferring the funds to the non-charity to use in various projects. 

Sometimes people refer to this as a “charitable trusteeship” (not language that CRA uses), and an avenue whereby a charity can help a non-charity to attract donations. Be careful! If this is how you’re thinking about it, quite likely you are not complying with the regulations.

According to the CRA, the Income Tax Act allows a charity to operate in only two ways:

  1. carrying on its own charitable activities

  2. making gifts to qualified donees

Qualified donees include registered charities and other organizations that have been granted status by CRA.

The worst-case scenario is an arrangement whereby the charity acts as a conduit by simply passing on the funds with no meaningful oversight.  CRA states, “a conduit is a charity that funnels its resources to a non-qualified donee without direction or control. Acting as a conduit contravenes the Income Tax Act, and could jeopardize a charity's registration.”

The key to remaining compliant is a written agreement — an “intermediary agreement” — drafted specifically with reference to CRA’s guidelines. 

The intermediary arrangement brings the relationship under point 1, above, making clear that it’s part of the charity’s own activities, and that the activity falls within the charity’s mandate. The agreement must specify how the charity will exercise direction and control over the project. This includes monitoring and supervising the activity throughout the duration of the project.

In order to comply with the Income Tax Act, you need to state, first, that your organization is a registered charity, set out how the proposed activities further your organization’s charitable objects, and then how you will monitor and supervise the project as it unfolds.

When these criteria are met, it is possible to remain compliant when entering into the agreement. Failure to comply with the CRA guidelines can result in temporary or permanent revocation of your charitable status, and we want to make sure that that doesn’t happen. 

Part of our service to you is to be conversant with applicable CRA rules, and alert to possible non-compliance risks. If you have any further questions, we are happy to assist in your research and share resources that may help in your decision-making. 

How Young Associates can assist

A consultation with us may make all the difference to your comfort level and confidence that your accounting system is up to the challenge of the pandemic. 

We’d also be happy to give you a quote for full-service bookkeeping

We work on the basis of fixed price agreements, so you’ll know going in how much our work will cost — and we always offer a money-back guarantee: if you’re not completely delighted with our service, we will, at your option, either refund the price, or accept a portion of said price that reflects your level of satisfaction. 

This tip sheet was created by the Young Associates team based on the best information available to us as of the date of posting.

Although every effort has been made to provide complete and accurate information, Young Associates makes no warranties, express or implied, or representations as to the accuracy of content in this tip sheet. Young Associates assumes no liability or responsibility for any error or omissions in the information contained in the tip sheet. 

Founded in 1993, Young Associates provides bookkeeping and financial management services in the charitable sector, with a focus on arts and culture. Young Associates also provides consulting services in the areas of data management, business planning and strategic planning. Heather Young published Finance for the Arts in Canada (2005, 2020), a textbook and self-study guide on accounting and financial management for not-for-profit arts organizations.

Budgeting with CEWS

One thing that is top of mind for our customers during the pandemic is budgeting and cash flow. Considering that earned revenues have largely been reduced and the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) has been a major stabilizing factor during unstable times, projecting CEWS has become a priority for many. 

However, due to the ever-changing nature of the subsidy, as well as the estimation involved in the calculation and forecasting process, attempting to project CEWS is a much more difficult task than most would assume.

Here is some further detail to help you understand how challenging it is to forecast CEWS, and what your alternatives are when trying to project budget and cash flow.

Estimating Future Revenues

There are 2 steps to calculating CEWS. The first is to compare the current period’s revenues to a previous period to measure the revenue drop. This is where the first element of uncertainty lies. It is very difficult to forecast revenues with confidence. We don’t know what public health challenges lie ahead, so many organizations are struggling around programming decisions, what to charge for vs. offer for free, and what fundraising avenues to pursue.

Nonetheless, your bookkeeper needs your revenue estimates by month before they can make any further calculations. 

If you are accustomed to budgeting annually, you will need to pivot to a monthly budgeting process in order to generate estimates for CEWS.

Your bookkeeper will have evaluated the benefits of using the cash or the accrual method of reporting. If your company is filing using the cash method, your bookkeeper may need an up to date monthly cash flow forecast.

The Sliding Scale Factor

The second step is to calculate the subsidy rate. This tip sheet contains details on the base and top-up rates for Periods 8 to 10. 

Since the base subsidy rate is calculated on a sliding scale, any errors from step 1 will be multiplied by a factor of 0.8 for Periods 8 to 10. 

Additionally, if you have a greater than 50% revenue drop, a faulty revenue forecast will result in an inaccurate top-up subsidy estimate.

Estimating Future Payroll Costs

The second step to calculating your CEWS subsidy is to apply the rates to your payroll cost. Your bookkeeper will need your staffing costs by employee, by month in order to make the calculations. Employee detail is required because there is a maximum per employee.

Remember to allow for any anticipated changes — and any contingencies that should be discussed. For example, if you are considering a layoff under certain circumstances, your payroll will be reduced and your CEWS forecast needs to be reduced accordingly.

Government Policy

The government reserves the right to amend CEWS. We have seen a number of important changes to the program since it was first announced. We have also seen the rules confirmed very close to the implementation date. For instance, CEWS Period 8 arrangements were confirmed a few weeks after the Period start date.

The government has announced that CEWS will continue until June of 2021, but at this point we know the terms and conditions only until Period 10, which ends on December 19.


As you can see, there is a significant risk of inaccuracy in forecasting CEWS. The numbers involved are large. For many organizations, payroll is the single largest expense — and de facto CEWS has become one of the largest revenue sources.

Understandably, managers want to build CEWS into their budgets. For many organizations, CEWS has proven to be the single most stabilizing factor during the pandemic.

But, as you can see, a budget forecast for CEWS involves estimates on top of estimates — plus the “unknown” of future public policy changes.

Possible Approaches

The more conservative your estimates, the less likelihood you will wind up in trouble.

One important challenge with budgeting — in any situation — is that once the plan is on paper, people tend to feel “authorized” to proceed. This can mean that staff members forge ahead with planned expenses (which are in your control) while revenues (which are generally not in your control) remain uncertain.

One idea is to omit CEWS altogether. Define what revenues you’re able to count on, and what expenses you expect before even taking CEWS into account. This will give you a better idea of the state of your organization and your internal cash flow. 

Or, omit the top-up subsidy and prepare your budget forecast only on the base rate. 

If you are dependent on CEWS and therefore need to see it in the budget, prepare the best possible documentation for your revenue forecasts. Keep good notes! Review often. As each month elapses, re-evaluate your estimates for upcoming months. 

Lowball revenue forecasts, which will lowball the CEWS rate that you may claim. Highball expense forecasts, including salaries — but hold back as much as possible on actual spending.

How Young Associates can assist

A consultation with us may make all the difference to your comfort level and confidence that your accounting system is up to the challenge of the pandemic. 

We’d also be happy to give you a quote for full-service bookkeeping

We work on the basis of fixed price agreements, so you’ll know going in how much our work will cost — and we always offer a money-back guarantee: if you’re not completely delighted with our service, we will, at your option, either refund the price, or accept a portion of said price that reflects your level of satisfaction. 

Contact us:

This tip sheet was created by the Young Associates team based on the best information available to us as of the date of posting.

Although every effort has been made to provide complete and accurate information, Young Associates makes no warranties, express or implied, or representations as to the accuracy of content in this tip sheet. Young Associates assumes no liability or responsibility for any error or omissions in the information contained in the tip sheet. 

Founded in 1993, Young Associates provides bookkeeping and financial management services in the charitable sector, with a focus on arts and culture. Young Associates also provides consulting services in the areas of data management, business planning and strategic planning. Heather Young published Finance for the Arts in Canada (2005, 2020), a textbook and self-study guide on accounting and financial management for not-for-profit arts organizations.

CERS & CEWS Updates

2020-12-04 UPDATE: The 2020 Fall Economic Update on November 30 announced that the maximum CEWS rate will be raised to 75% (40% base subsidy, 35% top-up) for the period beginning December 20, 2020 and extending this rate until March 13, 2021. The current rate of the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy and Lockdown Support will also remain in place until March 13, 2021. Official details about this have yet to be announced. 

Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Updates (CEWS)

With the introduction of Bill C-9, the Federal Government provided more insight into the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) and the newly announced Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS). This is the first major announcement since we were first informed of the extension that would allow the CEWS to continue through June of 2021. The new bill gives us information about Period 10 (Nov 22 - Dec 19), and comes with a few other adjustments. 

The maximum base subsidy rate of 40% for Period 8 will remain in place for Periods 9 and 10:

Period 8: 

Sep 27 – Oct 24

Period 9:

Oct 25 – Nov 21

Period 10: 

Nov 22 – Dec 19

Maximum weekly benefit per employee

Up to $452

Up to $452

Up to $452

Revenue drop: 50% and over


Maximum base subsidy rate


Maximum base subsidy rate


Maximum base subsidy rate

Revenue drop:

0% to 49%

0.8 x revenue drop

(e.g., 0.8 x 20% revenue drop  = 16% base CEWS rate)

0.8 x revenue drop

(e.g., 0.8 x 20% revenue drop  = 16% base CEWS rate)

0.8 x revenue drop

(e.g., 0.8 x 20% revenue drop  = 16% base CEWS rate

Harmonization of revenue-decline test for both base and top-up subsidies: The top-up subsidy used to be calculated on the basis of a 3-month revenue decline. In order to align this calculation with the base subsidy calculation, the same revenue decline calculation will now be used for both the base and top-up subsidies. 

Under both the base and top-up subsidies, revenue decline will be determined using the general or alternative method as outlined in the table below.


Revenue Drop Calculation Method (for Base Subsidy & Top-up Subsidy)

Period 8


October 2020 over October 2019 or September 2020 over September 2019


October 2020 or September 2020 over average of January and February 2020

Period 9


November 2020 over November 2019 or October 2020 over October 2019


November 2020 or October 2020 over average of January and February 2020

Period 10


December 2020 over December 2019 or November 2020 over November 2019


December 2020 or November 2020 over average of January and February 2020

Safe Harbour Rule: To ensure this change does not result in a lower wage subsidy for eligible employers than you would have received using the previous revenue decline test, a safe harbour rule will apply from 27 September to 19 December 2020 (i.e., from Periods 8 to 10). Under this rule, an eligible employer will be entitled to a top-up subsidy rate that is no less than the rate that would have applied under the three-month revenue-decline test, which you would have used in Period 7. 

Amendment of eligible employee definition: Now, eligible employee means someone who was employed primarily in Canada throughout the qualifying period. This amendment clears up some vagueness that was previously in the definition.

A summary of Bill C-9 can be found on this Government of Canada webpage. 

More info found at

Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS)

In addition to updating the CEWS, Bill C-9 also introduces the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS). 

As opposed to CECRA (Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance), this subsidy provides relief directly to business tenants, and uses a sliding scale to determine eligibility. It is also aligned with the CEWS, using the same period start and end dates as well as the same initial revenue drop calculation. Similar to CEWS, it has been announced for September 27-December 19, but is expected to continue through June of 2021.  

What can the subsidy be used for? 

Eligible Expenses

  • Commercial rent

  • Property taxes (including school and municipal taxes paid by owners)

  • Property insurance (paid by owners)

  • Interest on commercial mortgages, less any subleasing revenues

  • Must be based on agreements entered into before October 9, 2020, and continuations of those agreements 

  • Must apply to real properties located in Canada

Ineligible Expenses

  • Sales tax on any eligible expenses

  • Expenses relating to residential property used by the taxpayer (eg: their house or cottage)

  • Payments made between non-arm’s-length entities

  • Mortgage interest expenses in respect of a property primarily used to earn, directly or indirectly, rental income from arm's-length entities 

Expenses for each qualifying period would be capped at $75,000 per location and be subject to an overall cap of $300,000 that would be shared among affiliated entities.

Who can get the subsidy? 

Eligibility criteria for the CERS is generally aligned with the CEWS. Eligible entities include individuals, taxable corporations and trusts, non-profit organizations and registered charities. Public institutions are generally not eligible for the subsidy. For a complete list of eligible entities, please visit

In addition, an eligible entity must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Have a payroll account as of March 15, 2020 or have been using a payroll service provider

  • Have a business number as of September 27, 2020 (and satisfy the Canada Revenue Agency that it is a bona fide rent subsidy claim)

  • Meet other conditions that may be prescribed in the future


There is both a base subsidy and a top-up subsidy available through the CERS. The revenue drop calculation method is the same as the CEWS and can be found in the table above. 

The Base Subsidy rate for the CERS is calculated on a sliding scale as follows:

Revenue reduction %

Base Subsidy Rate

> 70%



40% + ([revenue reduction %] − 50%) × 1.‍25

< 50%

0.‍8 × [revenue reduction %]

The top-up amount is only available for properties that have been temporarily shut down or had their activities significantly limited by a mandatory public health order for at least one week. The maximum top-up subsidy rate is 25%, and is calculated using the following formula:

0.25 × [# days in period for which the property is subject to a public health restriction]
[# days total in qualifying period]


An application for the CERS must be filed no later than 180 days after the end of the qualifying period.

Various other rules that are relevant to the CEWS, such as the deemed government assistance rule, anti-avoidance rules, penalty provision, and notice of determination rules, also apply for purposes of the CERS.

CERS claims will be accepted retroactively for the period from 27 September to 24 October 2020. Similar to the CEWS, the new CERS program will be administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as opposed to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, which administered the CECRA.

More information available from the Government of Canada Website.

How Young Associates can assist

A consultation with us may make all the difference to your comfort level and confidence that your accounting system is up to the challenge of the pandemic. 

We’d also be happy to give you a quote for full-service bookkeeping

We work on the basis of fixed price agreements, so you’ll know going in how much our work will cost — and we always offer a money-back guarantee: if you’re not completely delighted with our service, we will, at your option, either refund the price, or accept a portion of said price that reflects your level of satisfaction. 

Contact us:

This tip sheet was created by the Young Associates team based on the best information available to us as of the date of posting.

Although every effort has been made to provide complete and accurate information, Young Associates makes no warranties, express or implied, or representations as to the accuracy of content in this tip sheet. Young Associates assumes no liability or responsibility for any error or omissions in the information contained in the tip sheet. 

Founded in 1993, Young Associates provides bookkeeping and financial management services in the charitable sector, with a focus on arts and culture. Young Associates also provides consulting services in the areas of data management, business planning and strategic planning. Heather Young published Finance for the Arts in Canada (2005, 2020), a textbook and self-study guide on accounting and financial management for not-for-profit arts organizations.

NEW: CEWS Eligibility & Calculation Guidelines

Along with the July 17 announcement of the updates to the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy program came a lot of questions from clients and others in the industry. The purpose of CEWS is to enable you to re-hire workers, help prevent further job losses, and ease you back into normal operations. Though the subsidy has been expanded to be more inclusive to employers who have seen a revenue drop under 30%, it has also developed additional complexity that may make calculations more difficult. 

The following guide breaks down the different elements of the changes to the subsidy program, helping you understand how to determine your eligibility and calculate your subsidy under the new rules. 

Warning: this is complicated and detail-heavy! Please read this carefully, and read it more than once! 

Need help? Contact us at

New to CEWS?

Now that companies can apply for CEWS support for a revenue drop as small as 1%, many additional organizations will be able to apply. In order to make your application for the current and future CEWS periods, you will need to have calculated your revenues for the past 3 months.

If you have already been applying for the subsidy, you’re ready to move forward with period 5 calculations.

Safe Harbour Rule

The Safe Harbour Rule for Periods 5 and 6 (July 5 - August 29) allows employers who experience at least a 30% revenue drop in Periods 5 and 6 to continue to receive a subsidy rate of no less than 75%. 

The new rules also open CEWS eligibility to more companies, as you will see below.

Periods 5 and 6 have distinct rules

The CRA has just released a calculator to aid in calculating your subsidy claim for Periods 5 and 6. However, you still need to calculate your revenue drop, which is needed to determine your subsidy rate. 

There are 3 potential scenarios for Periods 5 and 6:

  • If an employer has seen a revenue drop of between 1%-30%, they are entitled to the CEWS for Periods 5 and 6 using the new base subsidy rate, as seen in the “Base Subsidy” section below. 

  • If an employer has seen a revenue drop of 30% or more, they are entitled to a wage subsidy rate of no less than 75% for Periods 5 and 6. (Safe Harbour Rule)

  • If an employer has seen a revenue drop of 50% or more in the current month, they are entitled to the maximum base subsidy rate of 60%. If an employer has seen a revenue decline of more than 50% over the past 3 months, they are entitled to an additional top-up subsidy of up to 25% on a sliding scale, as shown in the “Top-Up Subsidy” section below. 

    • Note that, according to the Safe Harbour Rule for Periods 5 and 6, if the maximum base subsidy rate plus the top-up subsidy rate equals less than 75%, you still qualify for a 75% wage subsidy rate. 

Rules for Periods 7, 8, 9 and 10

Periods 7, 8 and 9 take us to November 21. The following sections on base and top-up subsidy will walk you through the rules as they currently exist.

No rules have yet been announced for Period 10, which takes us to December 19. The government has confirmed the program to December 19, but the rules announced to date cover only to the end of Period 9.

The new deadline to apply for the CEWS has been extended to the end of January 2021. 

It’s important to note that the rules may change again. However, for budgeting purposes, this is the best information available. See the section on budgeting below. 

Base Subsidy

Once you have calculated your revenues for the past 3 months, use the CRA’s calculator for Periods 5 and 6. 

The CEWS has been split into a base subsidy amount and a top-up amount. The base subsidy rate decreases with each CEWS period, starting with a 60% maximum in Period 5 and decreasing to 20% maximum in Period 9. Organizations who have experienced any drop in revenue will be eligible for the wage subsidy under the new conditions. The CEWS rate varies in accordance with the organization’s revenue drop.

The following table summarizes the key details for each period:

Period 5:

Jul 5 – Aug 1

Period 6: 

Aug 2 – Aug 29

Period 7: 

Aug 30 – Sep 26

Period 8: 

Sep 27 – Oct 24

Period 9:

Oct 25 – Nov 21

Maximum weekly benefit per employee

Up to $677

Up to $677

Up to $565

Up to $452

Up to $226

Revenue drop: 50% and over

Maximum base subsidy rate


Maximum base subsidy rate


Maximum base subsidy rate


Maximum base subsidy rate


Maximum base subsidy rate

Revenue drop:

0% to 49%

1.2 x revenue drop

(e.g., 1.2 x 20% revenue drop = 24% base CEWS rate)

1.2 x revenue drop

(e.g., 1.2 x 20% revenue drop = 24% base CEWS rate)

1.0 x revenue drop

(e.g., 1.0 x 20% revenue drop = 20% base CEWS rate)

0.8 x revenue drop

(e.g., 0.8 x 20% revenue drop  = 16% base CEWS rate)

0.4 x revenue drop

(e.g., 0.4 x 20% revenue drop = 8% base CEWS rate)

Table 1

To determine revenues, you may choose between two calculation methods. The general method compares one of the eligible months in a period in 2020 to its 2019 counterpart. The alternative method compares one of the eligible months in a period to 2020 January - February average revenue. 

If you qualify for Periods 1 through 4, these methods will be familiar to you. If you are new to CEWS, you will find it to your advantage to work your way through both methods to determine which is better for your organization.

See the “Attestations” section below if you’ve previously applied to the CEWS program.

The following table outlines the calculation methods for eligibility:


Eligibility Calculation Method (Base Subsidy)

Period 5


July 2020 over July 2019 or June 2020 over June 2019


July 2020 or June 2020 over average of January and February 2020

Period 6


August 2020 over August 2019 or July 2020 over July 2019


August 2020 or July 2020 over average of January and February 2020

Period 7


September 2020 over September 2019 or August 2020 over August 2019


September 2020 or August 2020 over average of January and February 2020

Period 8


October 2020 over October 2019 or September 2020 over September 2019


October 2020 or September 2020 over average of January and February 2020

Period 9


November 2020 over November 2019 or October 2020 over October 2019


November 2020 or October 2020 over average of January and February 2020

Table 2

Ultimately, it is important to stay consistent in your calculations for Periods 5-9. Please read the “Attestations” section below for detail about consistency across the CEWS program. 

Top-Up Subsidy

Once you have calculated your revenues for the past 3 months, use the CRA’s calculator for Periods 5 and 6. 

In addition to the base subsidy, there is also a top-up subsidy of a maximum of 25% for businesses experiencing a revenue drop of more than 50% over the past 3 months. 

The eligibility for the top-up subsidy is calculated using a different method than the base subsidy. All eligibility calculations below use the average of the previous 3-month period as a baseline for comparison.

Revenue drop

Top-up subsidy rate



50% - 70%

1.25 x (3 month revenue drop - 50%)

0% - 49%

no top-up

Table 3


Eligibility Calculation Method (Top-up Subsidy)

Period 5 


April to June 2020 over April to June 2019


April to June 2020 average over January and February 2020 average*

Period 6


May to July 2020 over May to July 2019


May to July 2020 average over January and February 2020 average*

Period 7


June to August 2020 over June to August 2019


June to August 2020 average over January and February 2020 average*

Period 8


July to September 2020 over July to September 2019


July to September 2020 average over January and February 2020 average*

Period 9


August to October 2020 over August to October 2019


August to October 2020 average over January and February 2020 average*

Table 4

*The calculation would equal the average monthly revenue over the 3 months of the reference period divided by the average revenue for the months of January and February 2020.

Note that if you have a revenue drop of 70% or more, you will receive the maximum top-up rate of 25% for a total CEWS maximum rate of 85%. 

CEWS for Furloughed Employees

A different rate structure applies to furloughed employees (That is: employees who are temporarily laid off with pay). For Periods 5 and 6, a 75% subsidy rate applies to furloughed employees. In order to qualify for this subsidy, employers must qualify for the CEWS for their active employees. 

For Period 7 and onward, CEWS support for furloughed employees will be adjusted to align with the benefits provided through the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) and/or Employment Insurance (EI). We expect more details to be announced within the coming weeks. 


If you have applied for Periods 1-4 using either the general method or the alternative method and are now finding that a different calculation method will be more advantageous for Periods 5-9, you are now permitted to change your election for the duration of Periods 5-9 without amending your claims for Periods 1-4.

If you have applied for Periods 1-4 using either the cash method or the accrual method and are now finding that a different calculation method would have been more advantageous, you are now permitted to change your election for the duration of Periods 5-9 — but you must amend all previous claim periods to ensure consistency across every claim period. If you no longer qualify for a previous period due to this change, you may be required to repay the amount you claimed for that period. 

If you are a charity who has applied for Periods 1-4 with or without excluding government grants and are now finding that a different calculation method would have been more advantageous, you are now permitted to change your election for the duration of Periods 5-9 — but you must amend all previous claim periods to ensure consistency across every claim period. If you no longer qualify for a previous period due to this change, you may be required to repay the amount you claimed for that period. Read more about qualifying revenue for charities and nonprofits here.

Additional information about attestations can be found on the CEWS FAQs page. 


Working out a forecast to year-end is a complex task. You need to consider the following factors:

  • Anticipated revenue drop for each month

  • Based on revenue drop, your eligible subsidy rates (base and top-up)

  • Anticipated salary cost

  • Whether you have any employees on furlough

You should use CRA’s calculator to work out your CEWS subsidy for Periods 5 and 6, as it will produce an accurate result. Note that the rates change in Period 7, and CRA’s calculator does not (yet) contain these rates. If you are working now on your forecast to year-end, you will need to work out Periods 7 onwards manually.

Any forecast you prepare now will be based on the assumption that the current calculation rules will pertain to future periods. We suggest that you clearly identify this assumption to your board of directors.

If your revenue forecast is inaccurate, your subsidy forecast will also be inaccurate. Referring to the tables above, there is a significant jump to subsidy rates between a 49% revenue drop and a 50% revenue drop. Given the uncertainty of revenue forecasts in these times, if your organization anticipates monthly revenue drops “in that zone,” it would be prudent to base your forecasts on a revenue drop of 49% or less. 

How Young Associates can assist

A consultation with us may make all the difference to your comfort level and confidence that your accounting system is up to the challenge of the pandemic. 

We’d also be happy to give you a quote for full-service bookkeeping

We work on the basis of fixed price agreements, so you’ll know going in how much our work will cost — and we always offer a money-back guarantee: if you’re not completely delighted with our service, we will, at your option, either refund the price, or accept a portion of said price that reflects your level of satisfaction. 

Contact us:

This tip sheet was created by the Young Associates team based on the best information available to us as of the date of posting.

Although every effort has been made to provide complete and accurate information, Young Associates makes no warranties, express or implied, or representations as to the accuracy of content in this tip sheet. Young Associates assumes no liability or responsibility for any error or omissions in the information contained in the tip sheet. 

Founded in 1993, Young Associates provides bookkeeping and financial management services in the charitable sector, with a focus on arts and culture. Young Associates also provides consulting services in the areas of data management, business planning and strategic planning. Heather Young published Finance for the Arts in Canada (2005, 2020), a textbook and self-study guide on accounting and financial management for not-for-profit arts organizations.

Navigating the CECRA Program (Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance)

We’ve covered government programs like CERB (the Canada Emergency Response Benefit) and CEWS (The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy), and we’re happy to add a tip sheet for the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA). It took some time for details of the program to become available. When new information was hard to come by, we decided to take matters into our own hands and contact the CRA directly about our questions related to the CECRA. Here is the information we discovered that might help you decide if this program will work for your organization. 

Need help? Contact us at

What is the CECRA Program?

Administered by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) Program provides relief for small businesses (including non-profit and charitable organizations) experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19. 

It offers unsecured, forgivable loans to eligible commercial property owners to reduce tenants’ rent by a minimum of 75% for April, May, and June 2020. That is, the funds go to your landlord; the landlord in turn reduces their tenants’ rent. 

The tenant pays 25%, the property owner absorbs 25%, and the government provides a loan to the owner for the remaining 50% of the typical rent cost. The loan will be forgiven if the landlord complies with all applicable program terms and conditions — including to not recover forgiven rent amounts when the program is over.

The program will be accepting applications until August 31, 2020. 

Though landlords must apply to the program, their small business tenants must meet certain criteria to qualify. 


To qualify for the CECRA program, the commercial property owner and small business tenant must have a legally binding rent reduction agreement for April, May, and June 2020 to reduce tenant rent by at least 75%. The rent reduction agreement must include a moratorium on evictions for this period.

Impacted small business tenants are businesses — including non-profit and charitable organizations — that:

  • pay no more than $50,000 in monthly gross rent per location (as defined by a valid and enforceable lease agreement)

  • generate no more than $20 million in gross annual revenues, calculated on a consolidated basis (at the ultimate parent level)

  • have experienced at least a 70% decline in pre-COVID-19 revenues (see below)


There are 2 scenarios by which to calculate your 70% reduction in revenues:

  • If your small business was operating during April – June 2019, then compare your average gross revenues from April, May and June of 2020 to your average revenues of April, May and June of 2019.

  • If your small business was not operating during April – June 2019, then compare your average gross revenues from April, May and June of 2020 to your average gross revenues for January and February 2020.

Note: You will be required to calculate your AVERAGE of April, May and June 2020, rather than a month over month comparability.

For registered charities and non-profit organizations, the calculation would include most forms of revenue, excluding revenues from non-arm’s length persons. Registered charities and non-profits can also elect to exclude grants and government support.

The CMHC defines gross revenue as revenue earned from ordinary activities in Canada. Calculate your revenue using your normal accounting method (ie: cash, accrual, or modified accrual) and exclude revenues from extraordinary items. Government wage subsidies (the CEWS and the 10% wage subsidy) are considered extraordinary items and can therefore be excluded from your calculations as well. 

If you’re applying before June 30, you must forecast your June revenues. This forecast must be supportable by the variables at play for your business. The result is to be guided by the average revenue reduction for April and May and the forecasted change given your respective province or territory’s guiding principles for reopening the economy.


The application process is initiated and submitted by the landlord. 

Tenants will need to attest to their eligibility for the program with an attestation form, a sample of which can be found here. Landlords must also submit their tenants’ contact information, registered business name, business number, number of employees, lease area and monthly gross rent for April to June 2020. Tenants will be required to provide this information to their landlord. 

Property owners also need to provide information, sign an attestation and agree to the terms and conditions of the loan agreement. These documents can be found in the application portal.

Finally, property owners must enter into a legally binding rent reduction agreement with each impacted tenant to confirm the rent reduction in accordance with the program terms and conditions. This agreement is conditional upon final approval of the application.

More information about the program can be found at:

Our Findings

The CMHC website does not go into great detail about calculations for non-profits and charities. In order to uncover more information, we were able to get through to the CRA via phone last week. We also read through the sample attestation form, which brought some insight. Here are our findings:

  1. Use the AVERAGE of April, May and June for your 2019 and 2020 revenue calculations. You are not comparing month over month as it was with the CEWS.

  2. Registered charities and Non-Profit organizations CAN elect to exclude grants and government support from your eligibility calculations.

  3. You CAN exclude the wage subsidies (the CEWS and the 10% wage subsidy) for the purposes of the revenue calculation. These are considered extraordinary items. 

  4. If you are unable to forecast June accurately, it would be best to delay filing the claim. Speak with your landlord about delaying the process if necessary. 

We have heard that some landlords are requiring tenants to provide their information on a short turnaround. You may need to meet their timeline if they are applying on behalf of numerous tenants.

How Young Associates can assist

A consultation with us may make all the difference to your comfort level and confidence that your accounting system is up to the challenge of the pandemic. 

We can help navigate your organization’s CECRA eligibility requirements and calculate the required revenue reduction. 

We’d also be happy to give you a quote for full-service bookkeeping

We work on the basis of fixed price agreements, so you’ll know going in how much our work will cost — and we always offer a money-back guarantee: if you’re not completely delighted with our service, we will, at your option, either refund the price, or accept a portion of said price that reflects your level of satisfaction. 

Contact us:

This tip sheet was created by Cassie Wojcik, Rob Bril and the Young Associates team based on the best information available to us as of the date of posting. We are happy to receive your comments at

Although every effort has been made to provide complete and accurate information, Young Associates makes no warranties, express or implied, or representations as to the accuracy of content in this tip sheet. Young Associates assumes no liability or responsibility for any error or omissions in the information contained in the tip sheet. 

Founded in 1993, Young Associates provides bookkeeping and financial management services in the charitable sector, with a focus on arts and culture. Young Associates also provides consulting services in the areas of data management, business planning and strategic planning. Heather Young published Finance for the Arts in Canada (2005, 2020), a textbook and self-study guide on accounting and financial management for not-for-profit arts organizations.