Financial Management

Tis the season (for grant deadlines)!

With grant deadlines galore falling in the winter and early spring, many arts managers are poring over budgets and reports for funders – while at the same time juggling the demands of artistic programming in full swing.

These can feel like “weeks of reckoning” where you’re justifying your existence to grantors while working like crazy to maximize today’s successes.

If you’re run off your feet and wondering why you chose this crazy business, check out this short excerpt from Finance for the Arts in Canada, which may help provide some perspective on budgeting an the real world:

The ability to stick to a budget is held as an important benchmark: it’s senseless to invest a lot of time and energy into a plan that’s going to be discarded the moment things change. However, rigid management stifles creativity, and extreme meticulousness can produce needless bureaucracy. The degree of rigour beneficial to a given company depends on factors such as its size and complexity, the risk inherent in its programming (e.g., a choreographic workshop or artist-run centre may need more flexibility than a classical ballet company or major art museum), the skill level of decision-makers, and the attitudes and preferences of the leadership.

Managers are expected to know how to implement a budget (that is, to follow the script, as it were, by setting activities in motion, making the planned purchases and generating the targeted revenues). A complementary expectation is that managers will have the “chops” to manage change while maintaining stability. No year goes fully according to plan — not ever! When confronted by the unexpected, leaders are expected to step up and decide what to do next. These expectations, by the way, come from all directions. Volunteer board members look to paid managers for expertise. Senior staff look to the director for coordination, and more junior staff to managers for specific instruction on what to do.

When you take on a financial management role, you agree not only to balance the demands of a script (your budget) against the exigencies of daily life (the improv element), but also to do so while responding to the expectations of colleagues, your employer (the board) and perhaps other stakeholders. With so many factors at play, it is clear that to thrive, an organization needs more than a skilled manager, it needs recognized and shared processes that provide a framework for adapting to circumstances. In the absence of functional collaboration amongst staff members and between the board and staff, the best financial manager can be thwarted. A productive combination of smarts and structure equips the organization to move forward. An outcome may differ from expectations, but if there’s general agreement that contingencies were handled as well as possible, then the result may be considered a success.

From Finance for the Arts in Canada, Volume 2: Financial Management; Chapter 4: Managing Successfully Throughout the Year

Top Compliance Issues from the CRA Charities Directorate

As part of the quarterly updates from the Charities Directorate, the CRA notes their top compliance issues from the 2023/24 year. We've summarized them here for you!

Books and records

Reason to educate - minor errors:

  • Non-material and/or unintentional errors and/or omissions in the books and records

  • Not having a travel log to support minor expenses

  • Not maintaining a copy of current governing documents

Examples of high-risk non-compliance:

  • Having no books and records available

  • Refusing to provide books and records

  • Committing culpable conduct (falsified books and records)

Official donation receipts

Reason to educate - missing minor elements:

  • A statement that it is an "official receipt for income tax purposes"

  • The place or locality where the receipt was issued

  • The name Canada Revenue Agency and the website address (

Examples of serious non-compliance:

  • Issuing falsified/fraudulent/inflated receipts

  • Issuing receipts for services

  • Lending registration number to other organizations

T3010 information return

Reason to educate - unintentional minor errors:

  • Allocating fundraising expenses to the wrong reporting line

  • Incorrectly reporting line 5010 “Total expenditures on management and administration”

Examples of intentional/serious errors:

  • Significant inaccuracies, beyond what is reasonably considered minor*

  • Willfully omitting information from the T3010 and/or financial statements

  • Failing to file a return as and when required (which results in a revocation for failure to file)

*Opportunities for the Disabled Foundation v MNR, 2016 FCA 94 at paras 50-51.

CRA typically addresses minor errors without an audit, through communications like education letters.

Audits tend to be reserved for situations where a high risk of potential non-compliance has been identified. CRA uses stronger corrective measures, such as sanctions or revocations, in cases of serious non-compliance.

If you’re concerned about the compliance of your books and records, read Finance for the Arts in Canada to learn all about best practices for keeping your books up to date and accurate.

Charity Oversight and Compliance in the News

A recent Toronto Star/Investigative Journalism Bureau article has revealed discrepancies between a Canadian cancer charity's claims about its charitable spending in its T3010 and its actual financial records. Mark Blumberg has shared his comments on the article, and offers further analysis on his website,

Blumberg notes that the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) only audits a small fraction of charities each year—around 200—which limits the ability of the public to trust that issues are being effectively addressed. He also points out the CRA’s inability to publicly comment on its audits unless a charity faces penalties, suspension, or revocation. Even if the CRA audits a charity and finds no wrongdoing, they still cannot comment on the situation.

Blumberg urges charities to prioritize compliance and transparency to maintain public trust and avoid potential regulatory scrutiny.

Compliance and transparency arise from expertly managed internal systems that respond to regulatory requirements. 

Young Associates’ bookkeeping and payroll professionals can assist your organization in navigating the complexities of financial reporting and CRA compliance while supporting you and your board of directors in achieving best practices. .

To hone your financial statement reading skills, considering ordering a copy ofFinance for the Arts in Canada!

The Average vs the Median Revenue of Canadian Registered Charities

The Canadian charity sector is a diverse landscape, ranging from small, grassroots organizations to large, well-established institutions. While the sector is often perceived through the lens of a few high-profile organizations, the reality is that most charities operate on modest budgets. Despite their size, every charity, big or small, relies on sound financial management to ensure their sustainability and impact.

To gain a deeper understanding of the sector, it's essential to examine the average and median size of Canadian charities.

Mark Blumberg runs down the numbers for us in this recent article.

While the mean revenue provides an overall picture, it can be skewed by a few large organizations with exceptionally high revenues. A more accurate representation of the "typical" charity can be obtained by looking at the median revenue, which is less susceptible to outliers. By analyzing these metrics, we can better appreciate the diverse nature of the Canadian charity sector and the challenges and opportunities faced by organizations of all sizes.

Finance for the Arts in Canada can help you and your organization better understand your financial footing and maintain solid financial management.

Let’s all learn from the latest Canadian charity scandal

Staff Post
By Heather Young

CBC News’ recent article on the woes of the Black Business and Professional Association raises interesting questions for me.

Briefly, the association engaged both a member of the board of directors and its executive director to provide consulting services through their respective companies, and then did not adequately disclose these related-party transactions in its T3010 Charities Return or in its annual financial audit.

The CBC, with contributions from Charity Intelligence Canada, has presented these infractions in light of a scandal. Indeed, anyone with sectoral expertise knows how vulnerable charities can be to manipulation and personal profiteering, so it’s hard to argue when journalists and watchdogs shine a spotlight on suspected “bad apples.”

A tale of improper behaviour allows us to shake our heads and say to ourselves, “that would never be me!” I think it’s worth exploring the story from a different angle; that is, as a cautionary tale from which other charity leaders might draw important lessons.

Perhaps this was a series of errors with no ill-intent – every bit as serious from both management and regulatory standpoints – but blunders to which any charity could be prey if safeguards weren’t in place.

I should say a couple of things up-front.

First, I don’t know any of the players. I’m basing my comments on having read CBC’s article, and on my own 30-plus years of charity accounting experience (mostly in the arts and culture space). I’m not qualified to evaluate BBPA – but I’ve seen enough comparable issues within enough organizations to know that the sector needs education on these matters – and that’s where I’m going with my comments.

Second, it’s important to affirm that indeed there’s a problem here.

“Related parties” include individuals such as directors who may be able to make or exercise influence over decisions. As such, their activities merit scrutiny. BBPA’s situation falls under three sets of regulations intended to enable that scrutiny:

  • the Income Tax Act (federal) which governs the Charities Directorate and, by extension, T3010 reporting;

  • Ontario’s Charities Accounting Act, which applies to charities based in Ontario; and

  • the CPA Canada Handbook (CPA being Chartered Professional Accountants), which establishes principles for reporting financial information.

Under the Charities Accounting Act, directors can be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses, but cannot receive any other remuneration except under restrictive circumstances. As for the T3010, charities must answer the yes/no question, “Did the charity compensate any of its directors/trustees or like officials or persons not at arm’s length from the charity for services provided during the fiscal period (other than reimbursement for expenses)?”  Finally, the CPA Canada Handbook sets out standards for audit disclosure of related party transactions by not-for-profit organizations, of which registered charities are a subset.

Seems fairly cut and dried. So, what’s my rationale for suggesting that non-compliance might involve no deliberate wrongdoing?

I have long experience of charity leaders who possess limited financial expertise. In fairness, charity executives are hired for their dedication and proficiency in the charity’s field of mission, and directors are usually recruited to boards for both their dedication and the professional know-how they bring from their “day job.”

This can contribute to a situation where executive directors de-prioritize building their own finance and accounting skills in favour of recruiting trusted advisors – a bookkeeper, an auditor, and (hopefully) one or more board members with a strong finance background. (The ideal is often to recruit a volunteer CPA to the board of directors.)

In BBPA’s case, it seems possible to me that those two individuals secured the consulting gigs because they brought the optimal blend of expertise, familiarity with the association, dedication to the mission, and a fair price – and that the ensuing issues arose not from a desire to flout the rules, but from organization-wide unfamiliarity with the rules and the potential consequences of violating them.

Some CPAs and bookkeepers specialize in the sector, but many serve a handful of charities and focus most of their time on (more lucrative) business clients. Thus, an auditor, bookkeeper or finance-savvy board member might be at the top of their game in their core area of practice but be under-informed about the specifics of charity reporting in Canada.

An auditor might not have recognized the payments to board members. Catching them would have required making the connection between suppliers’ names as recorded in the books and the individual names on the board list – not necessarily obvious, especially if you’re not looking for the problem. And, if the auditor’s core expertise lay with business corporations, they might be less attuned to not-for-profit disclosure requirements and the risks that could arise from overlooking certain details.

Same applies to bookkeepers, with the additional thought that it’s typical for the government filing (in this case, the T3010) to be the auditor’s responsibility, meaning that a bookkeeper might be unfamiliar with the form and unable to back-stop disclosure deficiencies.

Add to this staff and board members who might acknowledge that they’re unfamiliar with charity regulation – but who might believe that they’ve covered this need by hiring experts. Of course, BBPA’s staff and board knew who they were contracting, but it’s quite imaginable that the connections weren’t flagged to the auditor or the bookkeeper.

As you can see, it’s conceivable that everyone involved believed that they were acting in the best interests of the organization, and that everything was in good hands. Sadly, the various players could all be looking at each other and trying to figure out who should have prevented this from happening.

The answer is that the board, as the governing body of the organization, is ultimately responsible for compliance. The board delegates operations to staff, and staff often hire expert service providers such as CPAs and bookkeepers. But, even if a deficiency arises at this lower level, the board must own it.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse for non-compliance. Given the plethora of regulations covering every aspect of business and charity affairs, how is this reasonable? The rationale for this foundational legal principle is that, if ignorance were an acceptable excuse, then wrongdoers could avoid liability by claiming that they were unaware of the rules. A companion concept states that the law must be properly disseminated – e.g., published and distributed – so that it is possible for all concerned to inform themselves.

So, it seems that BBPA has been caught out, fair and square. But is this a scandal, or a flaw in governance / management infrastructure that – if the truth were known – might not be all that uncommon across the charitable sector?

If my argument holds water – if I’ve presented a reasonable alternate view of the story – then perhaps the defenders of the sector should be discussing regulatory deficiencies and even ethical lapses as likely consequences of a situation where staff leaders hold sectoral expertise but are management generalists; where technical advisors (professionals plus those board members recruited for technical expertise) come up short on sectoral knowledge; and where, instead of that yin and yang adding up to a finely tuned whole, the matching deficiencies add up to disaster.

What do you think? Did you read this making mental additions to your charity’s governance to-do list? I’ll be very interested to read others’ comments!

New Seminars! Take the Lead: Principles for Administrative Leadership in the Arts

Young Associates is thrilled to be partnering with WorkInCulture to launch Take the Lead: Principles for Administrative Leadership for the Arts, a new two day seminar series for increasing managerial and governance skills in arts administration. Running October 12 & 13, 2017, instructors from Young Associates and WorkInCulture will deliver sessions on understanding financial statements, payroll, WSIB, and HR. Get more details here