Young Associates

Heather Young named one of the four faces of innovation in Canada by Metro News.

Staff Post
By Anna Mathew

Young Associates founder and principal associate has been named one of the four faces of innovation in Canada by Metro News. The article profiles four innovative Canadians, praising Heather for her pioneering work in developing sound financial management best practices in the Canadian arts sector.

At first, Heather Young didn’t know much more about arts administration than the students she taught at Humber College in Toronto 20 years ago.

But what she quickly learned in trying to teach sound fundamentals of arts management was that hard information on the topic was difficult to muster — let alone make available to budding artists and art groups. As good innovators often do, she saw a need and filled it.

Young crafted her own materials, including Finance for the Arts in Canada, a textbook and reference guide to aid in running an arts organization. Her company, Young Associates — with a staff of 12 — now serves as a financial management resource for 90 Toronto companies. She’s soaked in years of knowledge working with arts groups in the city — something she believes is essential for innovation.

“Get to know your subject area as intimately as you possibly can,” she said. “You need to know the upsides and downsides of what you’re working on … and in particular the gaps in the available supports.”

Congratulations Heather!

Click here to read the full article.

Creative Trust Gives the Young Associates Website a Stamp of Approval

Staff Post
by Anna Mathew

Creative Trust is a collaborative capacity building organization that helps Toronto’s mid-size and small performing arts companies develop skills and achieve financial health and balance. We’ve enjoyed working with them for a while now – Heather Young, Principal, is their Finance Manager.

These folks are leaders in the Toronto arts management scene. They have seen it all! That’s why we are absolutely thrilled here at Young Associates that Creative Trust featured us in a blog post titled Finances matter, cheering “the launch of a made-in-Canada website on financial matters and management in the arts” and daring anyone “to try to find anything as useful and interesting on the topic from anywhere else in the world.”

We’re blushing!

Thanks to Jini and the folks at Creative Trust for their stamp of approval. The Young Associates website is a work in progress and we could not be more excited about it. We promise we are working hard to get more content ready. Stay tuned for answers to FAQs, more tip sheets, more curated news, and a library of useful and relevant articles from around the Web. Join us on TwitterLinkedIn and Google Plus if you would like to help spread the word about our free resources.

Heather Young to speak at Feb. 29 Workshop in Toronto: Building a Strong Bottom Line

Staff Post
by Anna Mathew

Our Principal, Heather Young, is one of three speakers slated for a February 29, 2012 workshop entitled Financial Management: Building a Strong Bottom Line. Along with consultant Jessa Agilo-Copeland and General Manager Kendra Fry, Heather will help participants from the arts sector increase their financial literacy, with tips for understanding finances, hands on techniques for dealing with private and earned revenue, donor cultivation, deficit reduction, recovery from financial collapse and balancing artistic choices vs. management choices. Using real case studies, the speakers will walk participants through financial statements and assist them in analysing the financial health of an organization so that they walk away from the workshop with practical tools to implement in their daily work.

This professional development workshop is part 2 of a 4 part series generously funded by the Ontario Arts Council, and offered by the Canadian Dance Assembly (CDA) in partnership with the Dancer Transition Resource Centre (DTRC), the Dance Umbrella of Ontario (DUO) and the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres (PACT) – with the support of, Creative Trust and CCI – Ontario Presenting Network.

Visit this page on the CDA website for more information on the series and how to register.